suggestions to help you start creating a life

Author: terhubung // Category:

7 steps you could use to achieve this goal of wellness and secondly, how to use positive attitude to improve positive self talk to support your overall well-being:

1. Be honest about how well you really are. Examine the various areas of your life realistically in terms of your physical, career, relationships, finances, spiritual, environment and emotional well-being. Identify the area(s) that need improvement. Set goals to achieve desired results one step at a time.

2. Assess your readiness for change and willingness to embrace it. Identify and write down the benefits of wellness to your life and your willingness to make the necessary changes. Remember: every move, forward or back, is part of the normal process of change. The Chinese proverb I mentioned earlier is something to remember in this case.

3. Identify and eliminate barriers and challenges that could impede your success. When we encounter barriers in our lives we tend to use negative self talk to make sense of the challenge posed by the barrier. We need to turn the negative self talk into a positive one.

For example,"I don't have enough time" can turn into "everything that needs to be done will get done". Learning to replace the negative messages with positive ones is a matter of establishing new habits. It takes time and practice.

4. Set clearly defined and measurable wellness goals. Create fun and interesting ways to fulfill your goals. For example, to be more physically active at work, you may want to take a two-minute walk every hour around your work environment. Break your goals down into small, incremental steps.

5. Create meaningful wellness priorities. Take a closer look at how you spend your time on an average day. Record your daily activity. Find opportunities for wellness activities you might not have known existed and incorporate them into your daily life. For example, instead of taking the elevator, use the stairs to burn more energy.

6. Challenge your wellness changes and strive to achieve even more. Make simple changes first and then take a look at the things that are harder and that will require the most change to achieve your desired results. Tackle them one at a time. As you succeed in your goals, you might be encouraged to establish more goals to achieve.

7. Make lasting changes to your lifestyle. Identify and celebrate your accomplishments. Reward yourself! Review your favorite activities. Try new activities to renew your motivation. You will need a positive attitude to achieve this lasting change.

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