Management Issue

Author: terhubung // Category:

By: E'Mun Kwa


Different people may have different of an organization, therfore various people may have varies background to form an defenition of an objects. Such as: knowledge. experience, education, profession, behavior, perception, attitude and likewise form a unique norm and folkway towards an object and opinion.
According to Peter Drucker, 1959 author of a book known as, "Today Management". He claimed that management is a scientific study when analyzing human behavior in an organization but it's an art when implemented in the management practice such as motivation, leading adn influencing employee towards same direction with employee to success.
For me, an organization can be classified into 5 category known as 5 M. Perhaps, its might vary based on each industry and nature of the business form to conduct and operate. The 5 M represents a significant role and inter-relevant to build synergy management to function.
The chart below and justification is shown how the 5 M is represent an organization to perform and how they are inter-relevant from one other:

5 M and it's roles 1.Management

1. Management
Basically, management is a leader to build the management style to form the behavior and practice in the organization. To make it short, their roles are planning, motivating and influenting, controlling and monitoring, communication, and delegation, analyzing, and budgeting, define the barrier of success and problem solving, definitely to obatin feedback and to reorganize the outcome.
The chart below is regarded as communication process adn vital to negotiation practice to understand the significant step and compromise it:

Physical noise, technology noise, emotional noise, psychological noise.

Noise is equal to barrier of communiation (communication process is belong to two-way of communication) Sender encode channel/mode of communication decode receiver (Oral, written & body language)


2. Marketing
The defenition of marketing is to analyze, anticipate and satisfy customer's needs and wants by providing product and services in return of income or profitability.
Whereas "Customer satisfication is our success" and build a relationship marketing in long run businesses.
The diagram below will shown the difference between sales and marketing orientation:
Product, hard selling, income & close transaction
Customer, need & want, product offer & exchange system

Gain market share:
Marketing activities, Relationship marketing & After sale service
In today's business, there is a combination of the two orientation above. The sales orientation concerns a part of marketing oreintation which gives impact in transaction dealing whereas marketing is a whole processof know-how to operate in segmentation, targeting, positioning to gain customer volume and buying power to become quality customers.

3. Manpower
Its vital to understand the definition of "select the right people for a right job".
The content of manpower should regard their talent. skill and knowledge to match the job function and responsibility in order to perform effectively and efficiently.
Training and Development is most vital to support and advance an employee to perform and the greatest ingredient is MOTIVATION to move towards an objective. Motivation is a driving force to move or case an individual's goals and objectives.
According to Maslow's hierarchy need in 1963, every employee may vary on motivation depending on their needs and wants to move as follows.

4. Machinery & Material
Basically refers to machinery, tool, equipment, raw material and semi raw material to form a product and vary from industry and nature of business.
In 21st century business, the technology is vital to support transacrion such as satellite, fiber optic, telecomunication, special software and infrastructure to perform effectively and efficiency.
Effectively = To do right thing
Efficiency = Right thing to do

5. Monetary
There is input and output point of view in monetary system, where input is regarded as employer goals where the Account and Finance Department plays a vital role such as cash flow, liquidity, asset and liability, expenditure, gearing towards return on investment (ROI) and major account to ensure healthy financial management.
The output point of view is with regards to an offer of a career satisfication and employee loyalty in an organization as shown below.

Based on job function & responsibility

Salary, Commission
Allowance, Overtime
Annual Increment
Bonus & cash reward
Pay leave & cash reward
Pay leave & medical leave
Insurance &saving
Incident claims

Working environment, Careet satisfaction
Internal promotion & Motivation
Job enlargement & Entichment
Training & development
Annual & medical leave
Recognition & award
Convention & company trip

According to Tom Welch, 1997 in a book known as carrier development and claimed the job of success formula as below:

"if you are using the talent & skill you enjoy, if your values are being met, and feel as though you are making a differences: you will love your job".

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