what happen about girl habit

Author: terhubung // Category:

In the wild, crazy world of online dating, we always want to put our best foot forward. Even pulling from all of our experiences in the past, and our knowledge of ourselves, it’s impossible to account for the one unknown: the little idiosyncrasies of the men we’re going out with.

Granted, we could interview every dude on the street and there would still be no predicting that Mr. Seems-Great-Online will hate your strappy red shoes and never call you again. Shrug. People are weird.


But in a continued effort to offset some of the man-mines waiting to blow up your illusions of romance, I’ve picked the brains of 4 fine young men to find out what little annoying things we gals do that drive them crazy…and not in the good way:


“Picky eating. If I meet a girl and I’m trying to assess whether or not I’d want to date her, and I find out she has crazy eating restrictions (or even that she’s a vegetarian), she loses points. I know that’s not very fair, but it’s true. I like girls I can just eat whatever with and not have to spend tons of time thinking about whether it’s non-dairy, vegan-friendly, organic whatever.”


“Lying about little things. I just don’t get it and so many girls seem to do it. If I catch you lying about something stupid, like, say, you were getting your nails done and you told me you were studying…what the hell? Why would I care if you were getting your nails done? What I do care about is your level of honesty. If you would lie about something small to avoid me getting even a little, temporarily annoyed, then you would definitely lie about the big, important things. No trust is a no-go.”


“Clean freaks. I mean, it’s okay if you want to keep things tidy but if we’re eating takeout and watching a movie, don’t immediately jump up and clean everything up when we’re done eating. Just sit back and enjoy our time together…better things might happen. Also, if a girl is super clean freak about herself, like, she never wants to get dirty…that’s lame. I like girls I can go to a park and throw a Frisbee and run around and go hiking with without her being bothered by her hands getting dirty.”


“Telling their friends everything! I once dated a girl and the minute I told her I loved her for the first time, she immediately squealed and picked up her phone to call her best friend. She said her friends had been placing bets on how long it was going to take me to finally say it…it had only been two months of dating, anyways! But I was just really uncomfortable with her friends knowing all these details of our relationship…and especially upset that her gossip with them was more important to her than enjoying that moment with me. It kinda made me rethink wanting to tell her I loved her at all, to be honest.”