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"Discover twenty key people with whom you resonate favorably and can do vast amounts of business." -- Mark Victor Hansen

"Networking is simply the cultivating of mutually beneficial, give and take, win-win relationships. It works best, however, when emphasizing the 'give' part." -- Bob Burg

"It's not who you know. It's how well you maintain your Rolodex(R)." -- Patricia Fripp

"Network continually -- 85 percent of all jobs are filled through contacts and personal references." -- Brian Tracy

by Robert Kiyosaki

One of the best pieces of business advice I ever got was "You can't do a good deal with a bad partner."

Having had many partners over the years, I can say that this statement holds true. So I thought I'd offer some personal experiences I've had with partners both good and bad.

All Play and No Pay
The first partner is a former CPA who does spectacular pro forma projections. His numbers on the future viability of a real estate project are always well laid out and convincing.
In fact, after first meeting him and his business partner, a Wall Street whiz kid, and looking at some photos of a property they were interested in and an architect's rendition of what it would look like upon completion, I was sold. I became their money partner.

So far I've done three deals with this pair, and to date, we haven't made a dime. The numbers still look neat and tidy every quarter, just the way a CPA should present the financials. The problem is in execution: The projects never finish on time or on budget. Something always goes wrong, and there's always some kind of drama -- problems with environmentalists, city planners, or banks.

Finally, after years of squabbling, his partner (the whiz kid) left the relationship. The projects of theirs that I invested in are still operating, but to date I haven't made any money on them.

A Complementary Relationship
The second partner is Ken McElroy, a writer and personal friend. My wife, Kim, and I have made the most money with Ken. There are several reasons why:

• We share the same investment philosophy. We buy, improve, hold, and refinance. We generally don't like selling our properties.

• His expertise makes up for gaps in mine. Ken owns the largest property management company in the Southwest, and his partner, Ross, is a real estate developer. Both men have nearly 20 years of experience in their respective fields. Because of Ken's years as a property manager, he has the experience and skill to evaluate the value of an existing property. And Ross has the know-how to bring the reconstruction of properties in on time and often under budget.

• We adhere to the same strategy. Ken, Ross, Kim, and I like to put our money in, improve a property, bring in better tenants at increased rents, reappraise the property, and then borrow our money out and move the equity on to the next property. We then repeat the process.

A Near-Infinite Return
For example, we put approximately $2.5 million into a $9 million, 300-unit apartment house, and secured a construction loan to improve the property. A year later, due to attracting better tenants at higher rents and a lower vacancy rate, the property was appraised at $14 million.

With the higher appraisal, we refinanced the property with a new loan at a better interest rate, and were able to take out $4 million tax-free. The money is tax-free because it's a loan, not profit. The debt service -- the monthly mortgage payment -- is paid for by the tenants.

With this investment strategy, our ROI is practically infinite. We have no money in the investment, yet we collect a monthly cash flow and still have control over the property. To me, this is better than buying a property, selling it, and having to pay taxes on our gains -- or be in a rush to buy a new property just to avoid capital gains taxes via a 1031 tax-deferred exchange. (A 1031 tax-deferred exchange gives sellers a certain number of days to move money from a sale into another property and defer paying taxes on the gains. The process is more complicated than it sounds, which is why I strongly recommend using an exchange agent to guide and assist you in the process. Most real estate brokers can recommend an exchange agent if you live in the United States ; other countries have different rules.)

Lip Service
Finding a great partner like Ken is similar to finding a great husband or wife -- you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find the prince or princess of your dreams. I don't know of a magic formula other than to keep kissing.

My rich dad often said to me, "You need to be a good partner if you want to find a good partner." Obviously, this is as true in business as it is in love. In my opinion, the best way to begin is by looking in the mirror and asking yourself, "What do I bring to the table? Am I the kind of person I would want to do business with?" It's important to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses honestly.

One of the reasons Ken, Ross, Kim and I do so well together is because we all love real estate; we complement each other in terms of our individual strengths and weakness; and we're all adept at raising money. We make a good team because there's synergy between us, and synergy is money.

A Way Out
My most important partner is my wife, to whom I've been married for nearly 21 years. When Kim and I first met, I was deep in debt from a disastrous business partnership. Regardless, on our first date I asked her, "Do you have a problem with being rich?" It's tough to get rich if your partner doesn't share that goal, and I would never have become rich without her.

That brings me to my next point: All partnerships should have an exit strategy. My partner Donald Trump says that married couples should always have a prenuptial agreement. True, a prenuptial is important if one partner is much richer than the other before marriage, but Kim and I don't have one. Instead, we have our own corporations that we control independently.

Still, Donald is right: The best time to think of an exit strategy is before becoming partners -- that is, after you've kissed a few frogs and have found your ideal business companion. But remember: They sometimes turn back into frogs, and you can't do a good deal with a frog.


maintaining your blog

Author: terhubung // Category:

Adding a New Post
1. Go to
2. Type in your username and password and click SIGN IN
3. Click on the NAME OF YOUR BLOG under the Blogs section
4. Under the “Posting” tab, click CREATE
5. Add your post in the white box
6. Click PUBLISH YOUR POST – this will make the post live on your blog and visible to anyone who types in the Web address
7. Click VIEW BLOG to see that your new post has been added.

Editing Old Posts
1. Go to
2. Type in your username and password and click SIGN IN
3. Click on the NAME OF YOUR BLOG under the Blogs section
4. Under the “Posting” tab, click EDIT POSTS
5. Find the post you want to edit, and click EDIT
6. Make changes in the white box
8. When you are finished editing your post, click PUBLISH YOUR POST to make it live and visible to anyone who visits your blog.
9. Click VIEW BLOG to see that your new post has been added

◊Changing the title and description of your blog
1. Go to
2. Type in your username and password, and click SIGN IN
3. Click on the NAME OF YOUR BLOG under the Blogs section
4. Click SETTINGS and then click BASIC
5. In the white boxes, type to change either the title or description

trick for download rapidshare/megaupload

Author: terhubung // Category:
Method 1:Go to to easily bypass Megaupload download slots. Just as a precaution, clean your browser cache before each attempt, even though I don't think this is necessary.Method 2:If you can't get those country slots, you can read the post about a new version of a Firefox extension called Megaupload S.X3.286 for megaupload.Method 3:1. Go to the Google Translate tool. Here you'll find two sections : Translate Text and Translate a Web Page.2. In the Translate a Web Page text box, paste your megaupload download link. Select the translation of your choice and hit the Translate button to load the megaupload file download page.If you have anything to say about this method or you have some other trick, please let me know.Method 4:This method involves browsers that use the anonymous TOR network. XeroBank (formerly know as Torpark) is one if the browsers and OperaTor (check the post on OperaTor) is the other. XeroBank is a modified version of Firefox with TOR and OperaTor is a combination of the Opera browser, TOR and Privoxy.Setting these browsers can be quite a headache. So be prepared to do some extra reading to get them started. Also, my guess is since these browsers use the TOR network, breaking limits may be possible in almost any services like Megaupload, Rapidshare..etcMethod 5:87For Firefox users:1. Install the Firefox addon named User Agent Switcher88.2. Once installed, go to Tools >> User Agent Switcher >> Options >> Options.The User Agents Switcher Options window is displayed.3. Select User Agents from the list in the leftmost part of your screen.894. Click Add to add a new user agent and type these details in the resulting window:a. In the Description box type : MEGAUPLOADb. In the User Agent box type : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Alexa Toolbar)5. Click OK twice to close the two windows and finish adding the new user agent.So how do you use it from here? Just before you download a file from Megaupload, go toTools >> User Agent Switcher >> MEGAUPLOAD.You can always set the user agent back to default after your download is complete..................................................................Update for Firefox 2Someone has commented90 the same thing can be done without using the Firefox User Agent add-on :Type in the address bar this: about:config Then search for this key: general.useragent.extra.firefox Double click on it and add this: MEGAUPLOAD 1.0 So at the end it will look like this: Firefox/2.0 MEGAUPLOAD 1.0 Restart Firefox and now you have infinite slots..................................................................Method 6:91For Internet Explorer users:IE users will have to edit settings in the Windows Registry.(Caution: Please ensure you backup your registry before proceeding. Read this post92 if you don't know how to backup the registry.)1. Go to Start >> Run.Type regedit and press Enter. This will open the Registry editor.2. IE 7 (IE 6 users can also try this ) users must navigate to the following :HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InternetSettings\User Agent\Post Platform.3. Other IE users must go to:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InternetSettings\5.0\User Agent\Post Platform.4. Now right-click the Post Platform folder and go to New >> String Value.Type Alexa Toolbar as the name and click Ok.Enjoy downloading...If any of the above tricks aren't working, there is one more way. I couldn't classify it as a method for downloading from megaupload. In fact, megaupload is not even in the picture in this case. Well, it is a site named DivShare. For those who aren't aware, it is much BETTER THAN Megaupload. Unlimited downloads, unlimited uploads, files stay on DivShare forever..